cross pollination, edranol

Effect of Edranol as a pollinizer of Hass avocado in Chile (in Spanish)

In the last few years there have been efforts made to study the effect of honeybees on fruitset. Replicated trials were conducted in California and Chile. The results were clear cut; no honeybees no fruitset!
Following this successful effort the logical follow up was to study the role of pollinizer (B type) in fruitset and production.
This study is the culmination of this work. For the time being it is available only in Spanish but I hope Francisco Mena will find the time to translate this article.

“Efecto del nĂºmero de polinizantes edranol sobre la productividad de paltos (Persea americana Mill.) variedad Hass”

Click to access menafrancisco2015c.pdf

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